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Longing for Home

Longing for Home

As fall turns to winter and the light begins to fade, I find myself growing more introspective almost every year about this time. I remember holidays with family and friends past with a longing for home that is palpable. Sometimes, those memories bring heartache or...
Deconstruction and Coming Out

Deconstruction and Coming Out

Throughout my life, I have led churches big and small and have loved being able to empower those around me for leadership and service. It is my joy and delight to see how the Holy Spirit transforms and heals hearts and lives as we walk through life together. It is...


The roots of the call of God on my life go deep. I remember and stand on the faith of generations of men and women before me, who taught me how to love well by loving me. A wholehearted love, rooted and grounded in family who came before and a faith in Jesus, began to...