Throughout my life, I have led churches big and small and have loved being able to empower those around me for leadership and service. It is my joy and delight to see how the Holy Spirit transforms and heals hearts and lives as we walk through life together. It is Jesus who has held me close through the ups and downs of deconstruction and reconstruction of my faith and life. It is in the midst of this growth that I have been able to be fully honest with myself and with others as to my sexuality. After years of not even being able to admit to myself this truth, through the Spirit speaking love to my soul — ask me about that story; it’s pretty amazing — I took a giant step of faith and came out as lesbian in 2019. Taking another step in the Spirit, I resigned my position as Co-Pastor of a non-affirming church. In the process, it might look like I lost everything; but in fact, I gained everything: freedom from an oppressive belief system, a radical self-love that I am still embracing, a family of love rooted in truth and justice.